Friday, February 12, 2010

Potty Time--Help please!!

Lately Lily has been potty obsessed. She talks about it all the time, she loves to hang out in the bathroom, she tells me as soon as she has gone in her diaper then wants to go sit on the toilet, then she sits there forever just playing, she asks me if everyone she knows uses the potty (so if she knows your name she also knows you use the potty...I apologize for the privacy invasion!)

Anyway, I hadn't even considered potty training her yet and I'm still hoping to push it off a little longer but, as is my style, I feel like I better start reading up on the subject. I feel like I have NO plan...and that stresses me out ;)

SO, I was hoping that you experienced potty training mommies out there could recommend books, techniques, or tips that worked for you. I picked up a few books at the library but they're all from the '70s and '80s--have things changed since then?! I just dunno...Suggestions??


Mary Virginia said...

I'm going to email you my "nanny" thoughts on potty training.

Tristen said...

I hope you have better luck than I do, I have no advice to you. We are in the midst of hell trying to potty train my almost three year old daughter. She now takes off her poopy diapers and wipes herself and puts them in her dresser during nap time. If you find amazing ideas, pass them on. I have tried everything I have read, or heard about and nothing has worked. It sounds like Lily will be a lot better, so don't worry too much about it. My oldest was a piece of cake and did it with a treat bucket filled with prizes for every time he went.

Lauren said...

Holy Cow! I can't believe she's already interested! That's amazing. I've heard girls are ready sooner, but I think I've got as much as a year to go with Ethan! Good luck.

Sara said...

I have not a clue when it comes to potty training. But I wish you luck!!
So cute that she's so interested, and asks if everyone uses the potty.

Parkinson Family said...

oh man, yeah if shes asking for all means go for it!! that would be so nice to just have the baby in diapers! my mom potty trained us at 18 mths and she said it was the best thing ever...after having tyler trained...oh my is she right, it really is..i've tried with hailey...shes started to tell me that its coming but everytime she sits there, nothing happens, but hey i think if lily is wanting too and you want to take the time then awesome!! with tyler i tried to do it at first and he was not having it! but once he decided he wanted to it was done in like a day! and hailey really hasnt shown any interest but i just talked to her one day and i think she gets it, but shes not that into neighbor potty trained her daughter a little before too...she said that shes definitely had accidents and she still has pull ups at night but shes happy she did if it works awesome! but if it doesnt i wouldnt think too much of it...shes still young...but good luck...let us know how it goes...yay lily!!

The Dahle's said...

Hey Mikel! It's your vt companion Amber blog stalking you :). I just potty trained Connor a few weeks ago and the best book I read was Potty Training Your Child in one Day. It took about a week not one day but it worked! If you want to borrow it you can come by and get it! Just let me know!